Cuisine Tranquille

02/04/2016 - 07/05/2016

Related Artists :
Louis Clais, RĂ©gis Jocteur Monrozier

« Adam lives on minimex* and is dedicated to his research on herbivore insects.
Eve lives on private income and spends much of her time in the Thalys.
When she has a little time, she likes to spend it in the kitchen with Adam, her
lifelong love.
This kitchen is their safe haven, place of reunion and privacy.
It was custom made listening to their needs by Louis Clais & Régis Jocteur Monrozier.
The Tranquil Kitchen of Adam and Eve is unique. They will realize your own, at home, with their expertise. »

(*welfare income)

Cuisine Tranquille 43

Cuisine Tranquille showroom (general vue)

The installation Cuisine Tranquille reproduces a traditional kitchen showroom. The standard classical modes of the showroom are modified to collate a set of innovative objects and functional furniture ('unique items available for custom application'). The kitchen is designed for a fictional couple, the Adam and Eve of a modern advertising narrative. The sculptural showrooms of Regis Jocteur Monrozier are surprising playlets, funny and generous, sitting between a 3D strip cartoon and the retouched chic of an early 80s publicity photo. Louis Clais creates decorative items, sculptures, prototypes and designs built like 'a wild garden in which young shoots and the old oaks live together'.

L’installation Cuisine Tranquille, qui reproduit un traditionnel showroom de cuisine en modifiant ses codes classiques, est composée d’un ensemble d’objets innovant et d’un mobilier fonctionnel (‘pièces uniques disponibles à la demande sur mesure’). La cuisine est conçue pour un couple fictif représentant Adam et Eve tels qu’ils seraient aujourd’hui suivant un story-telling publicitaire. Les installation-showrooms de Régis Jocteur Monrozier sont construites comme de surprenantes saynètes drôles et généreuses, pouvant faire penser à une BD en 3D ou à une très chic photo publicitaire début 80’s palettisée. Louis Clais crée différents objets décoratifs, sculptures, prototypes, dessins et modèles construits comme 'un jardin sauvage où les jeunes pousses et les vieux chênes vivraient ensemble'.

De installatie Cuisine Tranquille reproduceert een traditionele showroom van keukens waarvan de traditionele en klassieke codes aangepast worden om een nieuw ensemble te creëren van innovatieve objecten, een functionele inboedel (‘uniek maatwerk op vraag’). De keuken is ontworpen voor een fictief koppel, de Adam en Eva, gebracht in de narratieve technieken van de advertentiestrategie. Régis Jocteur Monrozier zijn sculpturale showrooms doen aan als een verrassend toneelstuk, grappig en gul tegelijkertijd, en houden zich ergens op tussen een 3D-stripverhaal en een mooie advertentiefoto uit de begin jaren 80. Louis Clais creëert decoratieve objecten, sculpturen, prototypes, tekeningen en modellen die tezamen 'een woeste tuin construeren waarin jonge groei en oude eiken samenleven'.

Komplot is supported by Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, COCOF, De Vlaamse Overheid and VGC

Photo Credit: Ilse Raps

Cuisine Tranquille 1

Cuisine Tranquille showroom (general vue)

Cuisine Tranquille 2
Cuisine Tranquille 3

Cupboard (Oak wood, cheese, marble chips, marine varnishes)

Coffee ball (Coffee, glue)

Thermos (Plastic, beauty cream, apple, nettle)

Disposable egg cups (Cellulose paste)

Corkscrew (Mastic sealant, bread dough, dyes, steel)

Earrings (Nickel, varnishes)

Bowl (Bread)

Cuisine Tranquille 4
Cuisine Tranquille 5
Cuisine Tranquille 6
Cuisine Tranquille 7

Coffee Cup Shelf (Cherry wood, Paper cups)

Cuisine Tranquille 8
Cuisine Tranquille 9

Apron (Cotton, acrylic, Velcro)

Cuisine Tranquille 10
Cuisine Tranquille 11

Flytrap (Sticky preparation: painting medium + honey, insects, acrylic)

Cuisine Tranquille 12
Cuisine Tranquille 13
Cuisine Tranquille 14

Sink furniture (Oak, wood filler, pine, various varnishes, brass, copper, silicon, ceramic, mica powder)

Cuisine Tranquille 15
Cuisine Tranquille 16

Sink furniture (Wine tap system, oak, wood filler, pine, various varnishes, brass, copper, silicone, mica powder)

Cloud foam tiles (painted ceramics)

Cuisine Tranquille 17

Trash can (Various waste)

Cuisine Tranquille 18
Cuisine Tranquille 19
Cuisine Tranquille 20

Nose clip (Rosewood)

Cutlery (Polyvinyl chloride)

Cuisine Tranquille 21

Right side and up:

Carbonasnake 6000 (6000 Kelvin lamp, silicone, plastic tube, eggs, bacon, olive oil)

Cuisine Tranquille 22

Hanger for Grapes (Aluminium)

Cuisine Tranquille 23

Hanger for grapes (Aluminium)

Cuisine Tranquille 24

Brocoli-Midi Clock (Clock, anti-aging cream, broccoli, kumquats, 'Paris mushrooms')

Cuisine Tranquille 25
Cuisine Tranquille 26

Whistle (Pine, pigeon tea)

Cuisine Tranquille 27

Oven Viager (Electric oven, yew and ebony)

Cuisine Tranquille 28

Multi socket (Clay, detergent, electric wire)

Cuisine Tranquille 29

Fridge Viager (Refrigerator, lacquer, eggs, clematis vitalba also know as Old man's beard)

Bluetooth speaker (bluetooth speaker, clay of Houlgate, faience, cheese, wood filler, pewter cup, self-hardening clay)

Salt & Pepper shakers (Aluminium, exotic wood)

Cuisine Tranquille 30

Velcro hanger (ebony, drawings on paper sheets, dummy phone for display)

Linens, towels (Cotton, pearly fabric paint)

Cuisine Tranquille 31

Salt & Pepper shakers (Aluminium, exotic wood)

Cuisine Tranquille 32

Snake's holes (ground, eggshell pieces)

Cuisine Tranquille 33

Walls (Savory green paint, Velcros)

Cuisine Tranquille 34

Cuisine Tranquille showroom (general vue)

Cuisine Tranquille 35

Floor (Clay soil, flints, ornamental apple tree)

Cuisine Tranquille 36

Cuisine Tranquille showroom (general vue)

Cuisine Tranquille 37

Stools (MDF, oak,varnish, lacquer, apple brand labels)

Cuisine Tranquille 38

Dining table (Pernambuco wood, oak, pine, ebony, wood filler)

Plates (stone)

Skewer (Ebony, raw eggs)

Cutlery (Acetate)

Glasses (Bones, rosewood)

Cuisine Tranquille 39

Dining table (Pernambuco wood, oak, pine, ebony, wood filler)

Plates (stone)

Skewer (Ebony, raw eggs)

Cutlery (Acetate)

Glasses (Bones, rosewood)

Cuisine Tranquille 40

Tea box Saint-Denis (Lasagna, hot glue, green tea Sencha, monk's pepper, flint)

Cuisine Tranquille 41

Dining table (Pernambuco wood, oak, pine, ebony, wood filler)

Cutlery (Acetate)

Disposable egg cup (Cellulose paste)

Cuisine Tranquille 42

Dining table (Pernambuco wood, oak, pine, ebony, wood filler)

Plates (stone)

Cutlery (Acetate)

Glasses (Bones, rosewood)

Cuisine Tranquille 43

Cuisine Tranquille showroom (general vue)