Influence I : fabienne Audéoud 'Oysters and Goats'

09/09/2011 - 15/10/2011

Related Artists :
Fabienne Audeoud, Pierre Fisher, Uberknackig

INFLUENCE brings together five projects by Fabienne Audéoud, Chto Delat?, Sofie Haesaerts & Colombe Marcasiano, Kenneth Andrew Mroczek and Filip Van Dingenen in a series of exhibitions developed by Komplot.  Each project will design its own rules of engagement with divers participants, evolving around different types of collaborations - between artists and curators, local residents, students, artisans and craftsmen. Emphasizing mutual and reciprocal impact of different participants on the exhibitions' development, the projects essentially reflect on influence as an exchange between the foreign and the familiar. Ultimately, all projects exlore the boundaries between decisions, commitments and compliance within a habitual and a foreign context.  The ideas behind the projects are further explored in publications and public events.

Fabienne Audeoud Komplot 1
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Fabienne Audeoud Komplot 2
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